Oh god. Oh god.
Can't quite believe I'm finally in my last year of college. By June I'll have got both my Maths and English GCSE's and Extended Level 3 in Health and Social Care. I'll have finally caught up after all this time! Yippee!!
Let's just say college has been an interesting place, however, I'm looking forward to getting the hell out of there!
For the past three years I've been chopping and changing my mind about what on earth I wanted to do with my life. I pretty much worked my way through every career option possible. First it was a nurse, then a llama farmer (I'll keep that dream for when I retire!), then a physiotherapist, a fitness instructor, a psychologist, having a gap year traveling, a paramedic, a doctor and now finally an occupational therapist. Everyone else seemed to know what they were doing except me.
Mum and George have always said that I'd end up doing whatever the flavour of the month was when I actually had to apply for uni. I guess they were pretty accurate.
Although, in saying that, I kind of feel that occupational therapy is the thing most suited to me and what I'd enjoy the most- except llama farmer of course! ;) After all that time spent refusing groups and disliking OT's, I actually want to be one. Who'd have thought it!
The thought of uni is bloody terrifying though! There aren't that many places near home that have the course so I'm looking at Canterbury (where George is doing mental health nursing), Bournemouth, Northampton and St George's.
I'm currently procrastinating by writing this post with my half written first attempt at a personal statement open on the tab next to this one. Starting as I mean to go on!
Although I'm applying for next September, I'm still considering having a gap year before uni and deferring my place till 2018 - that is, if I even get in! I've signed up for Camp America next summer which is also terrifying, so if I enjoy that I'll probably continuing traveling and do the whole university thing the year after.
It's a scary time but an exciting time too. 'I didn't come this far to only come this far' as Pinterest says.
Things are a-changing!
Anyway, this statement isn't gonna write itself!
I hope your ok. And that your happy. And life is good. And that you aren't taking shit from anyone!
I'll still be heading to the beach on our day.
To the moon and back,
Gem xxxx
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