
Wednesday, 15 February 2017

I've been offered a place for OT at Canterbury

This is completely the wrong time yet it is almost seems like the perfect time.

To get this amazing news after the worst few days makes me feel like it is wrong to celebrate. And it is. Everything is so bloody wrong.

I just want to fix it. But I can't. And I feel so helpless. And most of all guilty. So fucking guilty.

However, all though I can't fix this, I've been given the chance to fix others. Help people like I have been helped by so many amazing people.

The world feels so wrong right now but I'm so bloody grateful that I've been given the chance to make some things right.

I'm definitely gonna be needing a drink on Friday!

To the moon and back,

Gem  Xxxxx

Friday, 27 January 2017

Drama Llama!

Seriously, what a day this has been!

Was at Canterbury Uni for the OT info session for possible future students this morning. I checked my phone and I had an email from Canterbury Uni saying they've read my application and are offering me an interview!

Ahhhh! That's the one I really wanted! I'm so excited but also shit scared!!

It's on the 9th February!

The excitement does not end there...

After walking through the door with a big grin on my face, I was greeted by a rather flowery envelope! My day just got even better; I do love a good pub lunch! 😀

To the moon and back xxx

Sunday, 1 January 2017

Happy New Year!

I hope you was also drunkenly singing along to Robbie last night!

Friday, 2 December 2016

My Uni Application Is Done!


After spending what seems like forever on my personal statement, I have finally finished. As painful as it was, I'm really hoping it was worth it.

I've applied to Brunel, Northampton, Bournemouth too but seriously hoping I get an interview for Canterbury. Fingers crossed!

Scary times ahead!

If your having a bad day then here's a photo of the note my grandma left me after taking Gav out this morning. Haha! (The bit underneath my mum's message)